245 5th Ave #311, New York, NY 10016 / 80 Park St., Montclair, New Jersey 07042
Accepting New Clients! Book a Free Consult
For Montclair, New Jersey, NYC, New York,
and 40 PsyPact state residents
Our Services
Authentically Living Psychological Services, PLLC offers a variety of services for those seeking therapy, training opportunities, or supervision.
For Therapy Seekers
Adolescent & Adult Therapy
Therapy services consist of individual, couples, group, and family therapy sessions. Services are offered on a weekly basis, though alternative schedules are available; talk to your provider about alternative meeting arrangements. Services range from 30-45 minutes and range from $160-350 depending on appointment length, therapy service, and provider license and experience. 75 minute appointments are available upon request and necessity. Sliding-scale appointments are dependent on provider's schedule.
Authentically Living Psychological Services, PLLC currently provides Group Therapy in the area of Grief and Chronic Illness. Check out the Group Tab for more info!
For Consultation & Supervision Seekers
Training & Support
Dr. Shaw is an Approved Clinical Supervisor (ACS-4728) and offers supervision and consultation services in the areas of professional development, existential therapy, grief, and psychosis. Prices vary depending on need and level of education, training, and license.
Authentically Living Psychological Services, PLLC also offers pre-recorded courses for those interested in expanding their knowledge on existential therapy. Pre-recorded courses are self-paced and include supplemental materials and access to submit inquiries. Discount codes available for students upon request.
Consultation services are also offered for clinicians looking for a space to process difficult cases.